I must admit that we have recorded webinars that used more than one of these presentation tricks. That can result in ‘Death by Webinar!’ Life After Death with PowerPoint By Don McMillan
Archives for September 2008
How We Implemented GTD
This post is in response to a few questions that came up offline related to GTD and how we implemented this approach. For the past decade I have primarily used Outlook to manage my activities. However, when I reached 1000 emails in my inbox, some of which were 12 months old, I knew I had […]
Using webinars and word of mouth marketing together
The quote ‘Make it easy for people to talk about you’ says it all. I had the opportunity last year to meet Andy Sernovitz when he spoke at the Silicon Valley AMA. Guy Kawasaki gives his typically entertaining presentation right after. Andy has been involved in the Word of Mouth Marketing Association (WOMMA) and wrote […]
Emotion is the Fast Lane to the Brain
If your like me, your first response to the use of storytelling in your presentations is to roll your eyes. You got facts, figures and bullet points to share. You don’t have time for stories. Well, after listening, producing and delivering hundreds of presentations, I can confidently state that the best presenters always use stories […]
Who Do You Trust?
eMarketer just reported that experienced Internet users give more weight to the information they find on the web than that shared by personal contacts. What are the implications?